through logical Innovations
Tech Solutions has a very wide network of customers from various desciplines.
They are from bio-tech industries, charitable trusts, laboratories,
engineering industries,
consultancing agencies anf educational centers.
Here are the selected list of our esteemed clients.
(page under construction)
St. Antony Shrine, Avadi, Chennai
SANATrust, Chennai
AMBE Ecologix, Pondicherry
Naturall Agri World, Namakkal
Jai Krishi Kendra, Coimbatore
tesGlobal, Australia
Aarathy Charitable Trust, Chennai
United Foundations, Bangalore
MCRC, Chennai
MCRC-DBT's DNA Club, Chennai
Modern Engineering Enterprises, Chennai
Consultancy services to
Vishvodaya Trust
Grassor data services
Aarathy Trust