through logical Innovations
Sanath Tech Solutions Pvt Ltd has masters of e-publishing. We encourage the e-publications whereever possible, for the sake of forest / bio- resources.
E-publishing is short for electronic publishing, referring to a type of publishing that does not include printed books. The recent trend in the publishing work is that all the printed form of books and articles are also prepared for digital displays. The e-publication materials are distributed on a compact disk, emailed, or provided in a file format compatible with handheld electronic readers. E-publishing is an alternate form of publication especially attractive to new writers and saves the natural resources considerably. It is also ideal for How-To books that must be updated frequently. Businesses can also save money on employee manuals and training materials by e-publishing them. An added advantage here is that works can be clickable. Table of contents and indexes can all make navigating through technical e-books a breeze.
* Negligible investment.
* Faster publishing time.
* Greater flexibility within the writer/publisher relationship.
* Writers can update text often and easily at virtually no cost.
* E-publishing offers greater longevity for works with slower sales.
* E-publications can have an ISBN number, just like printed books.
* Writers get a higher percentage of royalties through e-publishing because the less investments.
* With e-publishing writers normally retain mostly all rights to the work.
* To date, electronic works sell far fewer copies than paper books.
* Many people aren’t aware of e-publishing and others prefer reading a book from print.
* Writers are responsible for providing their own ongoing marketing for e-published work.
* If interested in building credentials, e-published works do not carry the same weight as traditional paper publishers, presently.
* Writers do not receive an advance and also payment system is less attractive.
* Piracy is another concern in the e-publishing industry.
* Prices are not always significantly cheaper for e-works, despite
the lower overhead.
Ebooks: Ebooks are electronic versions of books which are delivered to consumers in digital formats.
POD (Print-on-Demand): Print-on-Demand is a new method for printing books (and other content) which allows books to be printed one at a time, or on demand.
Digital Content: Digital Content generally refers to the electonic delivery of fiction which is shorter than book-length, nonfiction, documents and other written works of shorter length (Adobe PDF, XML, HDML, WAP (Wireless Application Protocol) and other technologies).
Electronic Ink: Electronic Ink is a developing technology that could have a huge impact on the media and publishing industries. Electronic Ink could be used to create a newspaper or book that updates itself. The technology could also be used on billboards, clothing, walls and homes to allow content to appear. In addition, this content could be programmed to change at any time.
Email Publishing: Email publishing, or newsletter publishing, is a popular choice among readers who enjoy the ease of receiving news items, articles and short newsletters in their email box.
Web Publishing: Web publishing is not a novel practice any longer, but it continues to change and develop with the introduction of new programming languages. HTML is still the most widely used web programming language, but XML is also making headway.
The impact of ebooks and wireless content could be just as dramatic in the near future. The writing and publishing industries are changing, even as you read this page. Freelance writers especially need to keep informed about what is happening in this arena. Contracts, rights, new jobs and markets are all being affected by this new technology, and writers simply must make the time to stay well-informed.
Our Sanath Tech Solutions offers high-end services in relate to all the varieties of e-publications. We develope/combine all the digital publication work (source materials) of our clients in our web-departments, multimedia studios, to reduce the preparatory cost of each time for different flavaour of e-projects.
Apart from our regular e-publication outsourcing projects, we are arranging facilities in our new premises to conduct e-pub trainings to the fresh graduates as well as to the developing professionals (begining level to advanced courses).